Our team at Conference Systems has the solution
Being the Congress Rental Network member for Romania this is a joint commitment along with our entire network of companies, backed up by Bosch, we offer as a group all our services at the same quality, on 5 Continents.
Smart & Adapted
Be it a meeting small or big, a training, internal communications or anything else along those lines we provide simultaneous interpretation, audio, video, presentations and more for anything you might require.
Innovative & Integrated
Making use of OMNEO, the newest Bosch DICENTIS conferencing solutions and some innovative integrations alongside them we can integrate live event features into your online events, or for that matter completely switch to online.
Simple & Safe
You can be one of those who sit comfortably at their desk at home, or in the office and do everything as you would have at a venue.
NEW – Video production facility with live remote participation

Proiect POR
Creșterea competitivității SC CONFERENCE SYSTEMS SRL prin diversificarea activităților și investiții inovative în producție.
Achiziții POR 130873
- Achiziție directă servicii consultanță – 30.03.2021
- Achiziție servicii informare și publicitate – 07.04.2021 | ANULATĂ
- Răspuns Solicitare Clarificări 1
- Achiziție servicii informare și publicitate – 21.04.2021
- Achiziție servicii de audit financiar extern – 11.11.2021 | ANULATĂ
- Achiziție servicii de audit financiar extern – 08.12.2021 | RELUATĂ
Recrutare POR 130873
Pentru informaţii detaliate despre celelalte programe cofinanţate de Uniunea Europeană, vă invităm să vizitaţi www.fonduri-ue.ro.
Programul Operaţional Regional 2014-2020 – www.inforegio.ro sau urmărește pe Facebook.
Do you want to contact us?
If you are in a hurry, drop us a quick message and we will get back to you shortly!